Jungle Heat Wiki
Bunker Special lvl1
Bunker Special lvl2
Bunker Special lvl3
Bunker Special lvl4
Bunker Special lvl5

"Defensive structure: a hidden shelter to support your base. A reserve of troops is stationed inside, which will climb out to defend your base during an attack."

General Information[]

The Special Bunker is a defensive building that houses troops. The type/level of troops is changed as you upgrade.

Troops exit the bunker and fight if an attacking unit comes close enough - within a 10 tile radius.

Troops automatically regenerate after each battle even if they are all killed. There is no cost for these troops.

A maximum of 1 is available with a level 11 Command Center.

The Special Bunker is earned from the Special Observatory Event.

Building and Upgrading[]

Level Health Troops Upgrade Cost Icon gold Upgrade Tme Requirments
1 500 4*Lv1 Mosquitoes Observatory Event Instant CC3
2 800 4*Lv2 Mosquitoes 100,000 1d CC5
3 1100 4*Lv3 Mosquitoes 600,000 3d CC7
4 1400 4*Lv4 Mosquitoes 1,500,000 5d CC9
5 1700 4*Lv5 Mosquitoes 3,000,000 7d CC11